444 / 1.4521N
Piotr Majak
Dział handlowy
+48 (0)515 223 799
DIN 1.4521N
Used in the watch industry for watch cases and, as a nickel free stainless steel in the building industry for drinking water pipes
Chemical composition of 1.4521N
Element | % |
Cr | 17,0-20,0 |
Mo | 1,80-2,50 |
C | ≤ 0.025 |
N | ≤ 0.1 |
Mn | ≤ 1,00 |
Fe | rest |
Mechanical properties of 1.4521N
Property | Value |
annealed | specification values |
tensile strength Rm | 520-640Mpa |
Yield strength Rp | 0,2 ³300 |
Elongation | 20% |
Delivery program
Various sizes and tolerances available upon request.